Context's October Reading List

17 October 2013,   By ,  

The leaves are changing colours, the oversized grandpa sweaters are back in our closets…Fall is here! Though we love reading whenever and wherever there’s just something about cuddling up with a knit throw, a pumpkin spiced latte and a good book that makes autumn our favourite season.

We’ve been hard at work researching books for our October reading list and we found three great books. No really, think this may be one of our best reading lists yet.

Have a look!

The Silent Wife

How far would you go to protect the life you’ve built with someone? That’s the central idea behind The Silent Wife, a new novel from Toronto author A.S.A. Harrison. In what some would say is a major first page spoiler, readers learn right at the beginning that Todd, one half of the main couple in the book, will be dead by the final page. It’s that central premise that leads this spellbinding thriller, taking you through Todd and his partner Jodi’s love story, and unravelling what will be a series of events that lead to murder.

Harrison died several days after the book’s release, and it’s sad that she didn’t get to see how successful her work would become. The book has been called this year’s Gone Girl, and has been the subject of book clubs across the country. Exploring the themes of adultery, love, marriage, and, yes, murder, The Silent Wife is perfect to curl up with on a chilly fall day.

Keon and Me

As a kid, we all had our favourite sports icon and 11 year-old Dave Bindini’s was Dave Keon, then-Captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Dave looked up to Keon and like every young fan, wanted to be just like him. The way young Dave carried himself in the face of adversity – most notably against a local bully – was reflective of Keon’s cool and calm exterior on the ice.

The book is told in two narratives, one of a young Dave growing up in Toronto in the mid-70’s And the other, as an adult searching for his team’s long-lost spiritual core, who long ago shunned the franchise and city Keon was an icon in.

Keon and Me captures the romanticism in being a fan of the game and to a greater extent, the pride and frustration that comes with being a fan of the game’s most polarizing franchise.

Orange is the New Black

Piper Kerman would never have pictured herself in federal prison, but lo and behold  she finds herself serving a 15 month sentence at the infamous Danbury prison for smuggling drug money across international borders ten years ago. She meets women from all over the country who each have their own captivating story. It’s hilarious at times but also super intense as it offers an inside view of prison life – from strip search protocol to the Mean Girls-esque cliques.

We watched the popular original Netflix series first (even though we usually read the book first) and it was just as as good as the book – surprisingly. The book is fascinating and you find yourself cheering for various characters and hating others. If you watched the TV series we highly recommend reading the book because there are several major differences that we won’t give away in this review.

What’s on your reading list this month? Let us know below or on Twitter and it may be on our list for next month’s reading list.

Happy reading!