Blue Jays Opening Day … in GIFs

04 April 2014,   By ,  


Today is the day! The spring is back and we have another thing to distract us from the Maple Leafs! Yay baseball do the thing and win the points!

What do you mean it’s sold out?

You begin furiously checking Kijiji.

$50 over the ticket price for nosebleeds?! I’ll take ’em!

Fish your jersey out of the closet.

Text your friends to figure out which bar to meet up at.

Once you get to the bar, you find it’s a biiiit crowded.

Anyway, drinks!

After a few or seven, you stumble down Bremner to the gates.


2 $10 beers later…

4 $10 dollar beers later.

You behaving like a normal human being in the 7th inning stretch.

Waking up the next morning not remembering the score.

Please, we love this team as much as you do but come on, try not to make a fool of yourself and to a larger extent, the city. That’s what Rob Ford is for.