Reasons Why We're Going to Yorkdale

05 March 2014,   By ,  

Ladies and gentlemen, friends and foes (we hope we’re all friends here though…), we’re going to Yorkdale, and we’d love for you to come along!

Here’s why we’re heading to Canada’s top shopping centre:

Because, shopping.

Yorkdale isn’t at the top for nothing! There’s over 240 retailers, and not just any ol’ shops either. There’s Burberry, Tiffany & Co., Holt Renfrew, Microsoft and so many others. A little swanky but still, something for everyone.

Because, the noms.

We usually only go places where we will be fed, and fed well. At Yorkdale, we will dine like kings! They have this fancy shmancy Dine on 3 which is more or less a super glam food court. You can get the usual A&W, Villa Madina or KFC but then there’s Amaya Express and La Paloma (hello, gelato). There’s also a Joey’s, Milestone’s and a Pickle Barrel Grand.

Because, 50 years under the belt.

Yorkdale recently celebrated the big 5-0! Which means it’s now officially an adult. Just kidding, but really fifty years of great shopping, great food and we can honestly say that things are only going to get bigger and better at Yorkdale. Also, if they throw parties like that, then we’re definitely going to Yorkdale! (Image via Best of Toronto)

Because, Rob Ford.

As in, this might be the furthest we can go to escape from him!

Because, (still on the) Subway line.

Did you know that the Subway keeps going past Bloor St? Neither did we. Hmm.

Because, now we can get some god damn peace and quiet.

All of those construction sites downtown make it next to impossible to get some shut eye in the morning, oh…right.


But seriously, why are we here? You’re just going to have to keep your eyes peeled on our Twitter for more info!