5 Fall Festivals You Won’t Want to Miss

We’re about a week into fall, and it certainly feels like it. With leaves blowing on the sidewalks, and the air noticeably cooler, it’s hard to believe that summer was so recent! The memories of outdoor summer music festivals, and street festivals feel like a not-so-distant memory. Thankfully, autumn in Toronto is a beautiful season, and full of fun things to do. Here are 5 fall festivals that are coming up and definitely worth checking out! 

Make the most of your summer at these 5 Toronto festivals

`wp_posts`s finally here! The sun is out, converse shoes are back on, and just about everyone is looking for a patio to celebrate on. `wp_posts`s time to eat as much as you can at food truck festivals, lose your voice at concerts, and cheer the Blue Jays along. Summer 2016 in Toronto is finally here, and there are several festivals you must get to.

Foodies, listen up! Winterlicious is back it all its glory and we’re here to help you make your game plan. Every year Winterlicious descends upon the city and helps to make bleak winters a little brighter. It’s the perfect chance to get out and try something new and see some of the great food that Toronto has to offer.