Your Autumn 2016 Reading List

The weather is starting to get a little cooler and there’s that distinct feel of fall in the air yet again. That could also be the abundance of pumpkin spice everything around, but either way, the signs of fall are definitely here. One of the best things about fall is curling up with a hot drink, wool socks on your feet, and a good book in your hand. We here at Context love books so we’ve rounded up some of the best reads to have on your reading list this autumn!

Books Are Blooming! Must-Reads For Spring 2016

As of March 20th – Spring has sprung! The snow is melting (and hopefully not making an unwelcome return), the birds are chirping, and soon the gardens of the city will be in full bloom. What does this mean? It means that park benches, cute cafés, and sun-filled lazy weekends are calling your name. At first it will be with just a soft hush, but by the time April finishes, these places will pretty much be demanding your presence. Sure you can just frequent these spots unarmed, and ready to people watch, or Instagram scroll – but it’s always a good idea to come equipped with a good book. With all the new and hot books that have been released so far in 2016, your must-read list is going to be full of options for Spring reading. Here are 5 worthy additions to any Spring reading list worth its salt.

Some of the best gifts for book lovers aren’t actually books. There are so many gorgeous and clever accessories that practically any reader would love to add to their collection. Buying books can either be a great success or a total miss so you can play it safe with these picks – no need to worry about what their favourite genres are or if they’ve already read the book or not!